Chapter 10.
Chapter 1
1. I…
Will refrain from guessing. +1 Mind
Think they must be heartbroken. +1 Heart
2. I guess it’s…
Possible. - uninfluenced
Unlikely. - uninfluenced
3. You are…
Desperate. +1 Heart
Stuck. + 1 Mind
4 Reg…
No, thanks. +1 Mind
Sure, come here. +1 Heart
5. (High) …
Reg was actually right. (20 neons) +1 Trust
I could do without his help.+1 Pride
6. (Medium) I should be…
Honest. (18 neons) +1 Trust +1 Heart - You’ve managed to get Sue to trust you.
Professional. + Mind - Sue doesn’t like you much.
7. (Low) I need more details.
(You can ask all questions)
What books was she looking for? - uninfluenced, gives additional information
Was there anything suspicious about her behaviour? - uninfluenced, gives additional information
Any idea where she can be now? - uninfluenced, gives additional information
I see. - finishes the dialogue
8. (Medium) Is Sue telling the truth?
Yes, I believe her. +1 Sue.
No, she's lying.- uninfluenced
9. (Medium) Sue…
Try to calm her down. (15 neons) +1 Sue
Promise to be careful. +1 Heart
Remove my hand. +1 Mind
10. (Medium) I'll…
Call for help. +1 Heart
Try to open the trap. +1 Mind
11. (Medium) …
Use your logic. +1 Mind
Pinch yourself. +1 Heart
12. (Low) I wanted to ask you…
How do you know my name? - uninfluenced
How did I get here? - uninfluenced
13. (Maximum) Should I check the wound?
Yes, it's better to do it. (30 neons) - uninfluenced in this episode
No, I shouldn't touch it. - uninfluenced
14. Choosing clothes:
Dress - uninfluenced
Dress (20 neons) - uninfluenced in this episode
Chapter 2
1. Medium: "What should I do first? Probably it's better to…"
Try using ammonia. - Those present are questioning your actions.
Unbutton the collar. - Dave is not happy with your actions.
Check her pulse and breathing. +1 Trust, You've impressed everyone.
2. Low: "…"
Are you okay? - uninfluenced
You scared me. - uninfluenced
You look so pale! - uninfluenced
3. Medium: "Should I try calming her down?"
Support and comfort Sue. (22 neons) +1 Redemption +1 Sue, Sue is grateful for your attention.
Give her time. - uninfluenced
4. Medium: "I guess…"
I do. +1 Heart
I don’t. +1 Mind
5. Medium: "…"
Let’s say it’s true. +1 Heart
Someone is playing with us. +1 Mind
I can’t believe it. - uninfluenced
6. Maximum: "…"
I’ll keep talking. (29 neons) +1 Dave, Dave liked your initiative.
Won't keep him any longer. - uninfluenced
7. Choosing clothes:
Green - uninfluenced
Black (25 neons) +1 Trust
Beige (25 neons) +1 Trust
8. "Maybe I should style my hair, too."
Yes, sure. (15 neons) +1 Trust
No, I don’t want that. - uninfluenced
9. Medium: "…"
You look great. +1 Sue
So-so. - uninfluenced
10. Medium: "…"
Comfort her. +1 Heart, Sue is relieved to hear it.
Reprimand her. -1 Heart, Sue is feeling down.
Say something calming. +1 Mind
11. Medium: "I should…"
Hug her. (15 neons) +1 Sue, Sue will remember how much you are about her.
Leave her alone. - uninfluenced
12. High: "I should…"
Calm down and ask her for details. (32 neons) +1 Redemption +2 Trust - You acted like a true professional.
Pressure her into talking. +1 Wrath, You've frightened Amanda. She'll be careful with you from now on.
13. Low: "Ask about Dylan."
What is he like now? - uninfluenced
What was he like before? - uninfluenced
14. Maximum: "I should…"
Stay out of this. +1 Mind
Step in and protect the girl. +1 Heart -1 Dave -1 Trust
Chapter 3
1. Medium: "However, if look closely, Dylan is, uh…"
Handsome. +1 Dylan
Pretty ordinary. - uninfluenced
2. Low: "I'll ask…"
If he likes riddles. - uninfluenced
What he thinks of others. - uninfluenced
Why he's interested in me. - uninfluenced
3. Medium: "…"
Stay friendly. +1 Redemption
Give her a killer look. +1 Wrath
4. High: "..."
I'll ask him to tell me more. (25 neons) +1 Redemption, You've learnt a secret, but you need more information to figure everything out.
Keep silent. - uninfluenced
5. Maximum: "I should…"
Let Dylan continue. (1 flame) +1 Dylan, additional cat scene, Dylan is pleased with your reaction.
Point out that this is inappropriate. +1 Wrath
6. Low: "…"
Did you see my wound? - uninfluenced
Who put the bandage on? - uninfluenced
7. Low: "…"
Are you good at medicine? - uninfluenced
Have you experienced such cases? - uninfluenced
8. Low: "..."
That won't be necessary. - uninfluenced
But I don't have any pain. - uninfluenced
You're not gonna help me? - uninfluenced
9. Low: "Where should I check now?"
Back to the garden. -1 Trust, return to choosing
Go to the living room. +1 Trust, the correct choice
Go to the dining room. -1 Trust, return to choosing
10. High: "I think…"
We need to check. (25 neons) +1 Redemption, move to 10.1
Amanda will be fine. - uninfluenced, move to 10.2
10.1 Medium: "…"
You have to find what's causing it. +1 Mind
You can't just hope for a miracle. +1 Heart
10.2 Low: "…"
To her room. - uninfluenced, You found Amanda first.
Outside. -1 Trust, Zack found Amanda first
11. Low: "..."
What did he like to draw? - uninfluenced
What kind of music did he like? - uninfluenced
12. Low: "Umm…" (You can ask all questions)
Remember how you got here? - uninfluenced, gives additional information
Did you visit the antique shop? - uninfluenced, gives additional information
Did you try to get out? - uninfluenced, gives additional information
One more thing… - uninfluenced, finishes the dialogue
13. Maximum: "…"
That's a great idea. (30 neons) +1 Zack, move to 14-15
Sue and I will find it. (30 neons) +1 Sue, move to 16-18 (the choice is available if you are in a good relationship with Sue)
Uh, no, thanks. - uninfluenced
14. Low: "..."
Not curious? - uninfluenced
Did you try to open it? - uninfluenced
15. Medium: "Is that a compliment?"
I'm flattered… (22 neons) +1 Zack, move to 15.1
That's trivial. +1 Pride
Well, I love to read. - uninfluenced
15.1 Maximum: "I'll…"
Play him. - uninfluenced, move to 15.1.1
Back off. - uninfluenced
15.1.1 Low: "I think I could be…"
A student. - uninfluenced
A slutty teacher. +1 Lust
16. Low: "..."
Your brother seems to have changed a lot. - uninfluenced
Maybe someone else did it before him. - uninfluenced
17. Low: "..."
I'll get us out of here. - uninfluenced
We'll find another way out. - uninfluenced
18. Medium: "I think she'll enjoy seeing something familiar, something from her normal life."
Give the book to Sue. (15 neons) +1 Sue, Sue appreciates your attention to her.
Put the book back. - uninfluenced
Chapter 4
1. Choosing clothes:
Cream - uninfluenced
Pink crystal/ Silver crystals/ Black gold (25 neons) +1 Trust
2. Choosing hairdo:
Ambré - uninfluenced
Curls (10 neons) - uninfluenced
Сasual (10 neons) - uninfluenced
3. High: "I'll sit…"
Opposite the master. - uninfluenced, move to 3.1
To his right. +1 Dylan, You've taken the place of honour. It seems to be exactly what the host wanted.
To his left. - uninfluenced
To the left of the table. - uninfluenced
3.1 Medium: "..."
Put Chloe in her place. (10 neons) +1 Trust
Remain silent. - uninfluenced
Sit somewhere else. -1 Trust
4. Medium: "I should…"
Compliment the chef. - uninfluenced
Ask who the cook is. - uninfluenced
5. Medium: "Oh, Chloe…"
Thank the girl. +1 Trust, You don't lose your temper easily. Everyone likes that.
Reprimand her for being rude. - uninfluenced
Tell her to mind her tongue. - uninfluenced
6. Medium: "I will answer…"
Playfully. (20 neons) - move to 6.1
Politely. +1 Heart, Dylan is pleased to know you like his house.
Indifferently. +1 Mind, Dylan is saddened by your indifference.
6.1 Medium: "..."
Salute with a glass. +1 Dylan
Run your tongue over your lips. +1 Lust
7. Medium: "..."
The girls are right. +1 Heart
Dylan's right. +1 Dylan
Everybody's right. +1 Trust, You've made a good point. People are starting to listen to you.
8. Medium: "..."
I'm full of surprises. +1 Edwin, You've piqued Edwin's curiosity.
And you're insightful. - uninfluenced, move to 8.1
What do you think you're doing?! +1 Wrath, move to 8.1
8.1 Low: "..."
So, apology accepted. - uninfluenced
Giving compliments is not your forte. - uninfluenced
9. Medium: "..."
- Say something sarcastic. (20 neons) +1 Trust
- Ignore her. - uninfluenced
10. High: "I guess I want to know more about…"
- Dave. (15 neons) - move to 10.1
- Dylan. (15 neons) - move to 10.2
- Edwin. (15 neons) +1 Edwin, Edwin is impressed by your insight, move to 10.3
- Someone else. - move to 11
10.1 Maximum: "..."
- Can I see it? +1 Dave, Dave appreciates your interest.
- Can you teach me? +1 Dave, Dave appreciates your interest.
- I see. - uninfluenced
10.2 (available if "Let Dylan continue" is selected in Chapter 3)
Low: "Oh, crap, he noticed."
- I'm fine. - uninfluenced
- It's just too hot in here. - uninfluenced
10.2.1 Medium: "Well…"
- That would be wonderful. +1 Dylan
- Why not? +1 Dylan
- Thank you, but no. -1 Dylan
10.3 Low: "It's very…"
- Reckless of the Shariff. - uninfluenced
- Smart of the Sheriff. - uninfluenced
11. High: "..."
- Zack. (15 neons) +1 Zack, Zack is delighted at your attention, move to 11.1
- ← - return to 10
- I shouldn't bother them. - completion of dialogues
11.1 Low: "But…"
- I'm not that optimistic. - uninfluenced
- You are just running away from the problem. - uninfluenced
12. Medium: "In my opinion, Dylan is…"
- Really patient. +1 Heart
- Indifferent. +1 Mind
13. Medium: "I…"
- Always right. +1 Pride
- Could be wrong. +1 Redemption
14. Low: "Oh, well…"
- I'm sure you don't. - uninfluenced
- I don't like you either. - uninfluenced
- I don't understand why. - uninfluenced
15. Medium: "You know, I…"
- I wanted to talk to you in private. (15 neons) - Chloe could do you an valuable favor one day, move to 15.1
- I was just walking past. - uninfluenced
15.1. Medium:
I'll find a way…
- Out, no matter what +1 Mind - To save everyone. +1 Heart
Chapter 5
1. Low: "..."
Who are you? — uninfluenced
Where are you? — uninfluenced
2. Low: Now tell me...
What happened? — uninfluenced
How long have I been asleep? — uninfluenced
How did I get here? — uninfluenced
I see. - the end of talking
3. Medium: So late...
Thank you for your concern. 25 neon, +1 Dave, move to 3.1
What are you doing here? — uninfluenced
You shouldn't have stayed. — uninfluenced
3.1 Low: "..."
Take his hand. — uninfluenced, Dave likes your determination.
Keep your cool. — uninfluenced
4. The choice of clothes:
Sweatshirt and trousers — uninfluenced
Rashguard and leggings 20 neon, +1 Trust
Top and leggings 20 neon, +1 Trust
5. And...
Now I need to do something about my hair. 15 neon, +1 Trust
I'm ready. — uninfluenced
6. High: I think I'll choose...
The main gate. — uninfluenced
The garden fence. — uninfluenced
7. High: I need to...
Hide and attack. 22 neon, +1 Mind, +1 Trust, move to 7.1
Run away. +1 Heart
7.1 High: "..."
Use it. — uninfluenced
Leave it. — uninfluenced
8. Low: Maybe. Anyway...
Thank you for your concern. — uninfluenced
Never do that again. — uninfluenced
9. Medium: I think...
Pretty much. +1 Mind
No, you don't. +1 Heart
10. Medium: "..." ( it's available if you chose in 7.1 "Use it.")
Yes, that wouldn't hurt. 15 neon, +1 Dave
There's no need for that. — uninfluenced
11. Medium: I think...
You're right. +1 Redemption
You're looking for an excuse. +1 Wrath
12. High: Hey, Dave...
Ask him for help. 20 neon, +1 Dave, move to 12.1
Ask him to slow down. — uninfluenced
Keep running at my own pace. +1 Pride
12.1 High: "..."
F*uck Chloe. 20 neon, +1 Dave
I should stop this. +1 Redemption
13. Medium: You know…'s not that bad. — uninfluenced, Dave senses your deception.
… it doesn't matter. — uninfluenced
… I think it's even worse than that. +1 Dave, Dave likes your honesty.
14. Maximum: Can't judge Chloe. Dave is in great shape.
I like him. — uninfluenced, Dave is interested in you.
But he's not really my type. — uninfluenced, You're not interested in Dave.
15. Maximum: I want to…
Seduce him. 3 flame, +1 Dave, +1 Lust, Dave feels an irresistible attraction to you. — move to 15.1
Tease him. 40 neon, +1 Dave, Dave wants you.— move to 15.2
Talk to him. — uninfluenced
15.1 Low: "..."
Surrender. — uninfluenced, move to 15.1.1
Resist. — uninfluenced
15.1.1 Low: "..."
Like what? — uninfluenced
I'm all for it. — uninfluenced
You wouldn't dare. — uninfluenced
15.2 Medium: How do you think...
Is it fun to have sex in a water? +1 Lust
Is the sensation more intense in the water? — uninfluenced
16. Low: Hmmm…
Where are we? — uninfluenced
What's the doctor's name? — uninfluenced
I'm a little nervous. — uninfluenced
If you have ≥2 Wrath: The influence of Wrath, +1 Wrath
If you have ≥2 Lust: The influence of Lust, +1 Lust
17. Low: Um, I guess...
The good one. — uninfluenced
The bad one. — uninfluenced
18. Medium: "..."
Give me a minute. 15 neon, +1 Trust
How is that possible??? -2 Trust, -1 Dave, You let your emotions get the better of you.
19. Low: I want to ask...
About the cure. — uninfluenced
About the symptoms. — uninfluenced
How much time I have. — uninfluenced
I see, doctor. — the end of talking
20. High: Doctor Gutman…
How did you know it was poison? 15 neon — uninfluenced
I feel dizzy. — uninfluenced
21. Maximum: "..."
Agree. 30 neon — uninfluenced
Object. — uninfluenced
22. Low: "..."
What the hell? — uninfluenced
What an attention whore. — uninfluenced
23. Low: Chloe…
What do you want? — uninfluenced
It's not what you think. — uninfluenced
24. Low: Frankly speaking,...
Pretty good. — uninfluenced
Awful. — uninfluenced
25. Low: "..."
What ingredients did you use? — uninfluenced
Who had access to the food? — uninfluenced
Who chose the wine? — uninfluenced
Interesting... — the end of talking
26. Medium: "..."
Look for the culprit. 15 neon, +1 Zack, Zack is happy that you opened up to him.
I haven't decided yet. — uninfluenced
27. Medium: "..."
I don't need your help. -1 Zack, Zack is upset that you refused his help.
I can manage on my own.+1 Pride
I'd appreciate it. +1 Zack, Zack is worried about you.
Chapter 6
1. Low: I should…
Check the bottom. - uninfluenced
Check the lid. - uninfluenced
Check the sides. - uninfluenced
2. Choice of clothes:
Trousers and shirt - uninfluenced
Trousers and silk top 25 neon, +1 Trust, Redemption
Leather dress 25 neon, +1 Trust, +1 Lust
3. I should probably change my hair...
Yes. 20 neon, +1 Trust
No. - uninfluenced
4. Medium: "..."
How can I promise that? +1 Wrath
Sure, Sue. 15 neon, +1 Sue
Is she being serious? - uninfluenced
5. Low: Dylan!
You scared me. - uninfluenced
Where did you come from? - uninfluenced
How long have you been here? - uninfluenced
If Dylan is ≤4: The path of a low relationship with Dylan.
If Dylan is ≥4: Dylan wants to be closer to you.
6. Low: "..."
What should we do? - uninfluenced
What did you want to show? - uninfluenced
Enough for what? - uninfluenced
7. Medium: I should...
Cheer Sue up. 15 neon, +1 Sue
Leave her alone. - uninfluenced
8. Low: "..." (you can ask all the questions - add information)
Where did you get the keys? - uninfluenced
Why wasn't anyone looking after the shop? - uninfluenced
Why did you bring us here? - uninfluenced
I see. - the end of the talking
If ≥ Path of the Mind: Path of the Mind
9. Max: I...
Want to find out more about the antique dealer. 15 neon - uninfluenced, Now Sue has a valuable contact.
Want to ask a few questions. - uninfluenced, move to 9.1
Won't ask anything. - uninfluenced, move to 9.2
9.1 Medium: "..."
Sue, you can count on me. +1 Sue
Dylan, could you help? - uninfluenced
9.2 Medium: Hmm...
That's true. +1 Mind
I disagree. +1 Heart
10. Low: "..."
Where are you going? - uninfluenced
How long will you be gone? - uninfluenced
Where should we wait for you? - uninfluenced
11. Medium: Sue...
Reply calmly. - uninfluenced, move to 13
Get emotional. - uninfluenced, move to 12
12. Medium: Sue…
Could you give me a hug? 25 neon, +2 Sue, cutscene - There's a spark between the two of you.
I'm okay. I'm going to be all right. - move to 12.1
12.1 Medium: "..."
I don't want to involve you. +1 Redemption
So it's all about your sense of duty? +1 Wrath
13. Max: I...
Tell what I know. 30 neon - uninfluenced, move to 13.1
Omit some details. - uninfluenced, move to 13.2
13.1 Medium: You know...
There really is something mystical going on here. +1 Heart
There has to be a logical explanation. +1 Mind
13.2 Medium: "..."
I have to stay here if I want to solve this case. - uninfluenced, move to 13.2.1
It's not. - uninfluenced
13.2.1 Medium: Yes.
Sure, it can. +1 Pride
I hope so. - uninfluenced
14. Medium: And I...
Liked it. 15 neon, +2 Sue, cutscene, Sue feels embarrassed, but she is attracted to you.
Didn't like it. -1 Sue
If Dylan ≥4: Dylan is attracted to you. - move to 15
If Dylan ≤4: Dylan is not attracted to you. move to 16
15. High: "..."
I'll tease her. - move to 15.1
No, I shouldn't do it. - uninfluenced
15.1 Max: "..."
I'll be there. 50 neon, +2 Dylan, You will have a late-night rendezvous in the library this evening.
I won't come. - uninfluenced
16. High: I think I should...
Talk to her. 30 neon - uninfluenced, add information
Give her some space. - uninfluenced
17. Max: "..."
Invite Sue to join. - uninfluenced, move to 26-28
Say goodbye to Sue. - uninfluenced, move to 18-19
18. Medium: Tell them…
I'm sorry I couldn't come.… +1 Redemption
I don't want to participate in it. -1 Trust
19. Max: "..."
Zack? - move to 22-25
Edwin? - move to 20-21
20. High: "..."
Sure, no problem. 25 neon, +1 Edwin
Go make yourself a sandwich. -1 Edwin
21. High: Son of a bitch, he's shamelessly groping me! It's...
so sexy! 25 neon, +2 Edwin
unacceptable! - uninfluenced
Edwin has told you about his desires. You have time to think.
22. Medium: "..."
I'll have some. - uninfluenced
Thanks, but no. - uninfluenced
23. Low: You can ask several questions.
How long have you known each other?- uninfluenced
Has Dylan changed since then? - uninfluenced
Have you ever fought? - uninfluenced
I see. - the end of the talking
24. Max: "..."
Ask for details. 15 neon, - uninfluenced
It's all in the past. - uninfluenced
25. Max: In any case, I have to admit that I want...
... to press against him tighter. 25 neon, +1 Zack, move to 25.1
... him to move away. - uninfluenced
25.1 Medium: "..."
Carefully taste the treat. - uninfluenced
Accidentally lick Zack's fingers. +1 Lust
25.1.1 Max: "..."
I hope so. 20 neon, +2 Zack
I don't think so. - uninfluenced
If Lust is ≥3 and it's the one sin: You are controlled by Lust.
26. Low: I...
Doubt it. - uninfluenced
Think it's possible. - uninfluenced
27. Medium: "..."
I'd like to cook something for you. 25 neon, +1 Sue
Could you fry some eggs? - uninfluenced
28. Low: Sue...
What is it? - uninfluenced
Show me. - uninfluenced
Don't worry. - uninfluenced
29. Low: Sue...
What happened to your grandfather's clock? - uninfluenced
Do you have any idea how it got here? - uninfluenced
Chapter 7
Description of the chapter: Thinking I'd have a chance to devote myself entirely to finding my poisoner was so naive of me. In the morning, Edwin showed up on our doorstep, bringing some quite alarming news.
1. Low: “And I have every right to...”
- Panic. - uninfluenced
- Feel angry. - uninfluenced
- Cry. - uninfluenced
If in previous chapter chose "I’ll come" in the library to Dylan, then transfer to p.. 2-11
If chose "I won’t come", then transfer to p.. 12-25
With Dylan:
2. Medium: “...”
- Get out of the water. - uninfluenced
- Take your time. - uninfluenced
3. High: “What should I wear?”
- Pink velvet (30 neons) +1 Trust
- Black lace (25 neons) +1 Trust
- Knitted jumper. - uninfluenced
4. Low: “І…”
- ... couldn't help coming. - uninfluenced
- ... wanted to talk. - uninfluenced
- ... hope I didn't keep you waiting long. - uninfluenced
5. Low: “Then, tell me your thoughts about…”
- Good and evil. - uninfluenced
- Life and death. - uninfluenced
- Love and hate. - uninfluenced
6. Low: “Although I can say one thing for sure...”
- ...his memory amazes me. - uninfluenced
- ...I like his passion. - uninfluenced
- …it scares me. - uninfluenced
7. Medium: “Dylan, …”
- Thanks. +1 Heart
- I will owe you. +1 Mind
8. Maximum: “Dylan…”
- Is something bothering you? (25 neons) +1 Dylan, transfer to p.. 8.1
- Thank you again for the present - uninfluenced
8.1. Medium: “I prefer to be:”
- A shadow. -1 Trust
- Fire. +1 Trust
If Heart ≥14, then: Path of the Heart. Now you know that Dylan knows about everything.
9. Maximum: “...”
- I do. (100 neons) +1 Dylan
- I don't. - Dylan won't make any more advances towards you. , (romance line with Dylan is closing), transfer to p.. 26
10. Medium: “...”
- Yes. +1 Dylan
- I'm not sure. - uninfluenced
If you chose paid clothes, then: +2 Dylan, You've impressed him with your outfit.
If you chose free clothes, то: Dylan expected more from you.
11. High: “...”
- Slowly undress. - uninfluenced
- Undress in a dance. +1 Dylan
If Heart <14 and Mind ≥14, then: Path of Mind. Now you know that Dylan knows about everything.
With Sue:
12. Low: “I think it's...”
- Quite normal. - uninfluenced
- Funny indeed. - uninfluenced
- Surprising. - uninfluenced
13. Medium: “...”
- Is it about the shop itself? - uninfluenced
- Is it about old Jasper? +1 Sue
- Is it about this world? - uninfluenced
14. Medium: “Well then...”
- …go ahead. +1 Mind
- …I believe in you. +1 Heart
15. Maximum: “…”
- Invite Sue to stay. (35 neons) - uninfluenced, transfer to p.16-22
- Say good night to Sue. - uninfluenced, transfer to p. 26
16. Low: “...”
- Go along with it. - uninfluenced
- Stay indifferent to this idea. - uninfluenced
- Doubt it. - uninfluenced
17. Low: “...”
- Jazz and blues. - uninfluenced
- Casual and light, something like pop. - uninfluenced
- Classic rock. - uninfluenced
18. Low: “Of course...”
- Steak. - uninfluenced
- Salad. - uninfluenced
- Sweet. Cake! - uninfluenced
19. Low: “...”
- Grey. - uninfluenced
- Black. - uninfluenced
- White. - uninfluenced
20. Low: “...”
- Roses. - uninfluenced
- Daisies. - uninfluenced
21. Low: “...”
- Straightforwardness. - uninfluenced
- Sense of humor. - uninfluenced
- Determination. - uninfluenced
- Loyalty. - uninfluenced
22. Low: “...”
- None. I don't like animals. - uninfluenced
- Dogs. - uninfluenced
- Cats. - uninfluenced
23. Maximum: “What do I feel? What do I want?”
- Kiss Sue. (30 neons) +1 Sue, transfer to p. 23.1
- Take no risks. - uninfluenced, transfer to p. 25
23.1. Low: “...”
- Yesк. - uninfluenced
- No. - uninfluenced
24. Maximum: “Sue,...”
- I want to cross the line. (2 флейми) +3 Sue, cut-scene
- We shouldn't rush it. - uninfluenced, transfer to p. 26
25. Medium: “...”
- Silently turn aside - uninfluenced
- Say good night. - uninfluenced
- Hug her. +1 Sue, Thanks to your hug, Sue doesn't lose hope.
26. Medium: “If you think about it, Amanda behaves...”
- Like a child. - uninfluenced
- Quite normal. - uninfluenced
- Like an idiot. +1 Гнів.
27. Medium: “I must...”
- Thank the men for their concern. (15 neons) +1 Trust
- Calm Amanda down. (15 neons) +1 Redemption
- Interrupt everyone. - uninfluenced
- Change the topic. -2 Trust
28. High: “So I will talk to him...”
- Boldly. (30 neons) +1 Trust
- Carefully. - uninfluenced
29. Medium: “Perhaps a suit will do?”
- Yes. (25 neons) +1 Trust, transfer to p. 29.1
- No. -1 Trust
29.1 Medium:
- Black satin. - uninfluenced
- White velvet - uninfluenced
30. Maximum: “...”
- Zack. (25 neons) +1 Zack, transfer to p. 31-34
- Dave. (25 neons) +1 Dave, transfer to p. 35-39
- Amanda. - uninfluenced, transfer to p. 40.1
With Zack:
31. Low: “...”
- Hurry Zack. - Zack is annoyed that he didn't get your attention.
- Admire the garden. - Zack is happy that you liked his idea.
32. Medium: “I think that...”
- I can. - uninfluenced
- I can't. +1 Trust
33. Medium: “I think that...”
- ...he can be trusted. +1 Едвін
- ...he can't be trusted. -1 Едвін
- ...I'm not sure yet. - uninfluenced
34. Maximum: “Perhaps...”
- I'll show him that I want more. (50 neons) +2 Zack +1 Lust, (later -3 Dylan, if in p. 9 you chose "I want") transfer to p. 34.1
- I'll let him continue. (30 neons) +1 Zack, (later -3 Dylan, if in p. 9 you chose "I want") transfer to p. 40.2
- I'll stop him.. -1 Zack, transfer to p. 40.1
34.1 Medium: “...”
- I need a release. - uninfluenced, transfer to p. 40.2
- I want to please Zack. - uninfluenced, transfer to p. 40.2
With Dave:
35. Maximum: “What reaction would be appropriate in this situation?”
- Show my dissatisfaction. -1 Redemption +1 Гнів, transfer to p. 35.1
- Thank him. +1 Dave, transfer to p. 35.2
35.1 Maximum: “...”
- Stop Dave. (40 neons) +1 Dave +1 Redemption, (later -3 Dylan, if in p. 9 you chose "I want") transfer to p. 36-38
- Let him go. -2 Dave, transfer to p. 39
35.2 Maximum: “What do I actually want?”
- There is no need for words. (40 neons) +2 Dave, (later -3 Dylan, if in p. 9 you chose "I want") transfer to p. 36-38
- I'll think about it. - uninfluenced, You will discuss everything later, transfer to p. 39
36. Medium: “...”
- Ask Dave for a kiss. - uninfluenced
- Kiss Dave. - uninfluenced
37. Medium: “Dave…”
- I want your lips there. +1 Dave
- I want to please you with my lips. +1 Dave
- Don't stop. - uninfluenced
38. Medium: “...”
- I want to be on top. +1 Lust, Dave considers you his girlfriend now.
- Come on! - uninfluenced, Dave considers you his girlfriend now.
39. Low: “...”
- Lie that I’m not in a hurry. - uninfluenced
- Hurry the girl. - uninfluenced
With Edwin:
40.1 Medium: “...”
- I am. +1 Mind
- I'm a bit nervous. +1 Heart
You came on time. +1 Trust
40.2 Medium: “Should I apologize?”
- I'll say I'm sorry. (15 neons) +1 Edwin +1 Trust, Edwin starts to respect you. It will affect your future interactions.
- I won't say anything. - uninfluenced
41. Low: “Well, I think it’s...”
- Strange. - uninfluenced
- Not my business. - uninfluenced
- Reasonable. - uninfluenced
42. High: “Tell me...”
- …in detail. (25 neons) +1 Trust
- …in brief. - uninfluenced
If Trust ≥17, то: Path of High Trust., transfer to p. 43
If Trust <17, то: Path of Low Trust., transfer to p. 44
43. “As whom to introduce Edwin?”
- As partner. - Edwin is pleasantly surprised.
- As a convoy. - uninfluenced
44. Low: “What do I need to know about Dolly first?”/ “Well, now...” (you can ask all of them)
- The girl's hobby. - uninfluenced
- The girl's friends. - uninfluenced
- The girl's character. - uninfluenced
- Thank you, perhaps this will help the case. - end of the dialogue.
45. Maximum: “...”
- Talk to Rose. (14 Heart / 35 neons) +1 Trust, transfer to p. 45.1, later +2 Redemption
If Edwin ≥3, then: You and Edwin have worked as true partners, complementing each other.
If Edwin <3, then: Your relationship with Edwin is not so good.
- Reassure Christian. - uninfluenced
45.1 Medium: “I desperately want to console her somehow. “
- Hug her. +1 Heart
- Comfort her with words. +1 Mind
45.1.1 Low: “...”
- What would you like now? - uninfluenced
- What are you afraid of? - uninfluenced
- How do you sleep? - uninfluenced
Chapter 8
Chapter description: An unexpected meeting will not give answers, but will only add questions.
If you have chosen paid dress in chapter 7: Your outfit impressed Miss Stewart.
If you have <6 Wrath and <4 Pride: The way of Redemption, You are learning to fight the mansion's negative influence, +1 Redemption
If you have >4 Pride: The way of Pride, You're becoming more and more influenced by the mansion, +1 Pride
If you have >6 Wrath: The way of Wrath, You're becoming more and more influenced by the mansion, +1 Wrath, Edwin is unpleased with your behaviour.
1. Low: ...
Why not? - uninfluenced
That's not what I have in mind. - uninfluenced
Let's kill two birds with one stone. - uninfluenced
2. High: I guess I will...
Accept the offer. - Ashley will have a drink at the bar.
Pass. - Ashley won't have a drink
3. Medium: Things are getting weirder and weirder.
Excuse me, but why is the hospital so empty? 15 neon, +1 Trust
But I'd rather not say anything. - uninfluenced
4. Max: "..."
Ask. 15 neon, +1 Trust
Do not pry. - uninfluenced, The way of Redemption/Pride/Wrath (Check the conditions at the beginning of the guide)
If you have chosen in 7 episode "Talk to Rose." +1 Redemption
5. Medium: Well... Now it's time to go.
Say thank you and leave. 15 neon, +1 Redemption
Say goodbye. - uninfluenced
6. High: "..."
Go with Edwin. 30 neon, +2 Edwin
Go alone. +1 Pride
7. Low: "..." (it is available, if you have chosen "Accept the offer" in 2)
Is it so obvious that I'm not local? - uninfluenced
It's quite good. - uninfluenced
8. Medium: How do you start a conversation?
Introduce yourself. +1 Trust - This is a good start. You've chosen the right way to begin this conversation.
Ask his name. (If you went with Edwin.) - uninfluenced
Show the pictures. -1 Trust, You should have been more professional.
9. Low: I'm going to ask if...
... he knows the girls? - uninfluenced
... he heard anything from other visitors. - uninfluenced
So far, the conversation isn't going that great... - the end of the talking
10. Max: "..."
Ask another question. 25 neon, - the add information
Leave him alone. - uninfluenced
11. Max: I'll dance with...
Edwin. 35 neon, +2 Edwin - A relationship with Zack is no longer possible, move to 11.1
Zack. 35 neon, +2 Zack - A relationship with Edwin is no longer possible, move to 11.2
No one. - uninfluenced, The way of Redemption/Pride/Wrath
11.1 High: He is waiting for my answer...
Accept his offer. 30 neon, +3 Edwin
Refuse. - A relationship with Edwin is no longer possible
11.2 High: I...
Will. 30 neon - uninfluenced in this episode
Won't. - uninfluenced - Now you and Zack are just friends.
12. Medium: This is...
... unnecessary. - uninfluenced
... very noble of him. +1 Edwin - Your opinion of Edwin has improved.
... his job. - uninfluenced
13. Medium: I have to say something back.
Stand up for Dylan. +1 Dylan
Agree with Graham. - uninfluenced
Put Graham in place.+1 Wrath
14. Medium: "..."
And your mother? 15 neon, +1 Trust
Did you two find common ground? - uninfluenced
If you agreed to Edwin's proposal: move to 15
15. Max: "..."
Exactly. 50 neon, +2 Edwin, move to 15.1
Nah, I changed my mind. - uninfluenced
15.1 Medium: Mmm...
Touch me. - uninfluenced
Do whatever you want to me. - uninfluenced
The way of Redemption/Pride/Wrath (Check the conditions at the beginning of the guide)
16. Low: "..."
Who are you?! - uninfluenced
What do you know?! - uninfluenced
Chapter 9
1. Low: "..."
- Are you kidding me? - uninfluenced
- I know what I saw.- uninfluenced
- It was too real. - uninfluenced
2. Medium: "..."
- Support Dave. 25 neon, +2 Dave
- Be silent. - uninfluenced
- Apologize. - uninfluenced
3.1 Low: "..."(It's available if you have had the intimacy with Dave/if you have had the kiss by the lake/if you have asked about hobbies)
- What are you up to? - uninfluenced
- Does it help you calm down? - uninfluenced
3.2 Medium: Hmm... (If you have had no interaction with Dave)
- Why not? - uninfluenced
- I don't think that's my thing. - uninfluenced, move to 5
4. Medium: "..."
- I don't want to. - uninfluenced, move to 4.1
- I'd love to. +1 Dave
4.1 Medium: "..."
- I'm not afraid of anything. +1 Pride
- I might fail. - uninfluenced
5. Medium: "..."
- Tell everything. 15 neon, +1 Trust
- Keep silent. - uninfluenced
6. Medium: "..." (It's available if you have had the intimacy with Dave/if you have had the kiss by the lake/if you have asked about hobbies)
- Kiss goodbye. 15 neon, +1 Dave
- Say goodbye. - uninfluenced
7. Medium: Sounds really weird, though...
- ...Sue may be overreacting. -1 Sue
- ...It's too early to make conclusions. - uninfluenced
- ...I won't be surprised by any of this. - uninfluenced
If you have Redemption is ≥12: Path of the Redemption
If you have Redemption is ≤12:
- Pride is ≥7: Path of the Pride
- Pride is ≤7 and Wrath is >7: Path of the Wrath, -3 Sue, You saddened Sue.
- Pride and Wrath are ≤7, Lust ≥7: Path of the Lust
"Numeric values may gradually change from 7 to 1 if Pride, Wrath, and Lust are <7, <6, etc.
8. The choice of clothes:
- Sweater and skirt - uninfluenced
- Hyacinth 35 neon +1 Trust
- Bitter chocolate 25 neon, +1 Trust
9. The choice of hairstyles:
- Light curl - uninfluenced
- Greek curls 15 neon, uninfluenced
- Smooth 15 neon, uninfluenced
10. What the hell?!
- The image is almost gone! 12 Redemption - uninfluenced
- The image is bigger! - uninfluenced
11. Medium: "..."
- I guess so. +1 Trust
- I have no idea. - uninfluenced
12. Medium: "..."
- Isn't it a little late for a visit? 20 neon, +2 Trust
- I'm sorry to keep you waiting. -2 Trust
If you have Trust is ≤30: You are not a highly trusted person here, which did not impress the sheriff.
If you haven't Trust is ≥30: You are a highly trusted person here, which impressed the sheriff.
13. Medium: Maybe I should say something, too?
- Intervene. 15 neon, +1 Redemption
- Remain silent. - uninfluenced
Path of the Redemption/Wrath/Lust/Pride - The conditions are specified above.
14. Medium: Looking at her, I feel nothing but...
- Hate. +1 Wrath
- Astonishment. - uninfluenced
- Disdain. +1 Pride
15. Max: "..."
- Definitely! 30 neon, +1 Mind
- No. +1 Heart
16. Low: "..."
Who are you? - uninfluenced
What do you want? - uninfluenced
17. Low: If to think about it, it symbolizes...
Love. - uninfluenced
Purity. - the right choice, uninfluenced
Peace. - uninfluenced
Hope. - uninfluenced
If in the previous episode you have responded Zack "I will come" — +1 Zack, move to 18-19.
18. High: "..."
- Why not? - uninfluenced, +1 Zack
- It's quite late. - uninfluenced
19. Low: Uhm...
- Why not. - uninfluenced
- Water would be better. - uninfluenced
19.1 High: "..."
- Definitely. 30 neon, uninfluenced, move to 19.2
- Oh, no. -2 Zack, Zack is saddened by your refusal.
19.2 Max: Zack...
- I don't want to escape. 2 flame, +2 Zack
- You're right. - uninfluenced
20. Medium: Better to...
- Examine the instrument. +1 Heart
- To look around the room. +1 Mind
21. Low: First, it's worth looking around...
- The bookcase. - uninfluenced, move to 21.1
- The desk. - uninfluenced, move to 21.2
- The fireplace. - the right choice, uninfluenced
21.1 Low: Now Better to check...
- Table. - uninfluenced
- Fireplace. - uninfluenced
21.2 Low: It is worth a look...
- On the bookshelves. - uninfluenced
- By the fireplace. - the right choice, uninfluenced