Chapter 1
Name: Agatha Brix.
Description of the episode: Unsolved case took you from the only day off, throwing up new spooky details.
1. Medium: «That's...»
- ... embarrassing. +1 Mancy
- ...disgusting! -1 Mancy
2. Clothes’ choice:
- I love Paris - uninfluenced, later -1 Mancy
- Crusade (25 neons) +1 Authority
- Elegance (25 neons) +1 Authoritych
3. Hairstyles’ choice:
- Glamour – uninfluenced
- Elegance (20 neons) – uninfluenced,later +2 Mancy
- Eccentricity (20 neons) - uninfluenced, later +2 Mancy
4. Medium: «I'd better...»
- ... cheer Cassie up. +1 Cassie +1 Emotional, transfer to p. 4.1
- ... ignore her. -1 Cassie -1 Emotional
- ... say she's being silly. -1 Cassie -1 Authority
4.1 Medium: «I want to...»
- ... take her hand. (15 neons) +1 Cassie
- ... smile reassuringly. – uninfluenced
5. Medium: «I should...»
- ... thank Agatha first. +1 Mancy +1 Authority
- ... get straight to the point. -1 Mancy -1 Authority +1 Determination
6. Medium: «Hmm... I guess...»
- ... she went mad. – uninfluenced
- ... she wanted to take over the world. – uninfluenced
- ... she was betrayed. +1 Authority
7. Maximum: «I think...»
- ...yes. +1 Cassie -1 Authority, if in previous episode didn’t say Mancy about Wilson, то -1 Mancy
- …no. +1 Wilson -1 Cassie +1 Authority
8. Medium: «I think...»
- ... it doesn't matter. -1 Emotional
- ... yes. +1 Authority
- .... no, he was always a monster! +1 Emotional
9. Medium: «Are you talking about...»
- ... the dagger? (15 neons) +1 Authority
- ... some magical object? – uninfluenced
If Blood more, then: The Path of Blood, transfer to p. 10-13
If Psychic more, then: The Path of Psychic, transfer to p. 14
10. High: «And yet...»
- I wanna learn new things. (25 neons) +2 Blood +1 Mancy +1 Determination
- Any other suggestions? -1 Mancy, transfer to p. 14
11. Medium: «He is so close it's…»
- .... making me uncomfortable. -1 Mancy
- ... making me blush. +1 Mancy
12. Рівень впливу вибору на сюжет: «I will...»
- ...continue! (15 neons) +2 Blood +1 Determination +1 Authority Your skills have improved! You can become a powerful Vampire one day!
- ... stop. -1 Determination You should be more persistent in developing your vampire skills to a high level.
13. High: «His touch... It... »
- ... feels so exciting. +1 Mancy, You and Mancy are catching feelings for each other.
- ... must be a sign of friendly support. - uninfluenced, You and Mancy can become friends.
- ... is so inappropriate. -1 Mancy
14. High: «…»
- Sounds good.. (20 neons) +1 Mancy, transfer to p. 15-17
- No, thank you. -1 Mancy, transfer to p. 18-20
15. Medium: «I think...»
- ... I should! +1 Mancy
- … there is no need. -1 Mancy
16. Medium: «Mancy, you know...»
- ... you really impress me. +1 Emotional
- ... I will support you. +1 Determination
17. High: «Mancy is so close.»
- Should I kiss him? (15 neons) +1 Mancy, You and Mancy are catching feelings for each other.
- He's as serious as ever. - uninfluenced, You and Mancy can become friends.
- Can't he see well? -1 Mancy
18. High: "I will..."
- ...continue! (25 neons) +2 Psychic +1 Determination +1 Authority, Your skills have improved! You can become a powerful Psychic one day!
- ... stop. -1 Psychic -1 Determination +1 Emotional, You should be more persistent if you want to master your gift
If Wilson ≥15 (if a romance line doesn’t closed), then transfer to p. 19.2
If Wilson <15 or if a romance line is closed with Wilson, then transfer to Perry.
If Perry ≥15 (if a romance line doesn’t closed), then transfer to p. 19.1
If Perry <15 or if a romance line is closed with Perry, then transfer to Harry.
If Harry ≥15, то transfer to p.19.3
If Harry <15 or the path of lonely, то transfer immediately to p. 20
19.1 Medium: "Of course..."
- ... yes. +1 Perry +1 Emotional
- ... no. -1 Perry -1 Emotional
19.2 Medium: "I..."
- ... I promise it won't! +1 Determination
- ... I want to believe it won't! +1 Emotional
19.2.1 Medium: "I think..."
- ... I should. +1 Wilson
- ... there is no need. -1 Wilson
19.2.2 Medium: "I…"
- ... agree. +1 Psychic
- ... disagree. +1 Blood
19.2.3 Medium: "Wilson's words are so…"
- ... touching. +1 Wilson +1 Emotional
- ... childish! -1 Wilson -1 Emotional
19.3 Medium: I think..."
- ...that's it. - uninfluenced, transfer to p.19.3.1
- ... it might be something else. - uninfluenced, transfer to p.19.3.2
19.3.1 High: "Should I talk to him about it?"
-...Yes. (15 neons) +1 Harry, transfer to p.19.3.3 -1 Harry
19.3.2 High: "Well..."
- ... I'll make him talk. (15 neons) +1 Harry transfer to p.19.3.3
- ... he'll tell me when he is ready. -1 Harryі
19.3.3 Medium: "But you…"
- I'm here for you. +1 Harry
- Everything's going to be all -1 Harry
20. Medium: «I...»
- ... won't pry. It's personal. - uninfluenced
- ... want to know everything! +1 Emotional transfer to p. 20.1
20.1 Low: «Sounds...»
- ... boring. – uninfluenced
- ... amazing! – uninfluenced
21. Maximum: «I should...»
-... ask her about it. (18 neons) +1 Authority
- ... not ask anything. - uninfluenced
22. Medium «By the way, and where…»
- ...Cassie? (15 neons) +1 Cassie, transfer to p. 22.1
- ...Mancy? (15 neons) +1 Mancy, transfer to p. 22.2
- ...Where do you get such delicious tea? – uninfluenced
22.1 Medium: «...»
- I'm glad to hear that! (15 neons) +1 Cassie
- That's great. – uninfluenced
- I see. -1 Cassie
22.2 Medium: «What does he do at night?»
- Why do I even care? -1 Mancy
- Hanging out with hungry vampire chiks? +1 Mancy
23. Low: «This room...»
- ... makes me very uncomfortable. – uninfluenced
- ... looks nice. I like it. – uninfluenced
24. Medium: «I need to...»
- ... get up. -1 Authority
- ... breathe deeply. +1 Authority +1 Determination
25. Medium: «Oh...»
- Are you all right?? (15 neons) +1 Emotional
- It's the side effects.. – uninfluenced
Chapter 2
1. High: It'd be better if we...
... stayed together. - uninfluenced
... split up. - uninfluenced
2. Medium: God, the smell is...
... delightful. +1 Blood
... disgusting! +1 Psychic
3. Medium: It was...
... to be expected. -1 Emotional
... a horrible sight! +1 Emotional, +1 Psychic
4. Medium: "..."
... dodge! +1 Emotional
... stand still. +1 Authority, +1 Determination
If you stayed with Agatha - move to 5
If you split up - move to 6
5. Medium: You are...
... wrong. +1 Determination, move to 5.2
... right. +1 Authority, +1 Emotional, move to 5.1
5.1 Medium: I...
... feel sorry for them all. +1 Blood
... feel sorry for the psychics. +1 Psychic
... don't feel sorry for any of them. - uninfluenced
5.2 Low: Well...
... you have a point. - uninfluenced
... let's agree to disagree. - uninfluenced
6. Medium: What they are doing to her, their hatred, it's...
... atrocious. +1 Emotional, move to 5.1
... understandable. -1 Emotional
7. Medium: No matter what...
... I feel so sorry for her. 15 neon, +1 Emotional, +1 Authority
... I think it was worth it. - uninfluenced
8. High: I'd rather sit...
... next to Cassie. 25 neon, +1 Cassie
... next to Mancy. 25 neon, +1 Mancy, move to 8.1
... alone. - uninfluenced
8.1 Medium: Mancy's touch makes me...
... feel so good. +1 Mancy
... feel so uncomfortable. -1 Mancy
If you have <17 Blood: The way of Psychic
If you have >17 Blood: The way of Blood
9. Medium: I...
... must try! +1 Determination
... must believe in myself. +1 Emotional
10. Max: Yes, I understand.
Any ideas on how to make up for lost time? - uninfluenced, move to 10.1
But let's talk about that later. -1 Cassie
10.1 Max: Oh! Cassie...
That's a great idea! 50 neon, +2 Cassie - Adventures await you in the City of Love!
We're not here to have fun. - uninfluenced
11. Medium: Well...
I like the way it sounds. +1 Mancy
I don't like this idea. -1 Mancy
If you have <17 Blood: The way of Psychic, move to 12
If you have >17 Blood: The way of Blood, move to 13
12. Medium: I can't...
... help but feel sorry for them. +1 Mancy, +1 Emotional, move to 12.1
... sympathise with them. -1 Emotional
12.1 Medium: I guess...
... yes. +1 Determination
... no. -1 Determination, +1 Emotional
13. Medium: And...
... I'll get through it.+1 Authority, +1 Determination
... it scares me. +1 Emotional
... will you help me? +1 Mancy
14. Medium: He is...
... so handsome! +1 Mancy
... not my type. -1 Mancy
15. High: I think...
... I don't mind. +1 Mancy, move to 16
... no. - uninfluenced, move to 15.1
15.1 High: Hmm...
All right! - uninfluenced, move to 16
I said I don't want to. -1 Mancy - Mancy will stop trying to court you. - move to 17
16. Max: Oh, that's all right. I'll swim...
... naked. 100 neon, +2 Mancy, move to 16.2
... in my underwear. - uninfluenced, move to 16.1
16.1 Max: God, he's insatiable! I...
...want it, too! 100 neon, +2 Mancy, move to 16.2
... have to stop him. - uninfluenced, You and Mancy are friends!, move to 17
16.2 Medium: "..."
Don't even think about it! - uninfluenced, Mancy now considers you his girlfriend.
Yes, I want to try. 25 neon, +2 Mancy - Mancy now considers you his girlfriend.
If you have <17 Blood: The way of Psychic
If you have >17 Blood: The way of Blood
17. Medium: Well, I guess...
... it's none of her business. -1 Mancy
... there's no point in hiding it. - uninfluenced
Chapter 3
If you have Blood is ≥17: The way of Blood, move to 1-4
If you have Blood is ≤17: The way of Psychic, move to 5-8
The way of Blood:
1. Medium: It's unbearable! I...
- ... must hold on! +1 Authority
- ... want to scream! - uninfluenced
If you have Mancy is ≥20: Agatha sympathizes with you because of your good relationship with Mancy
If you have Mancy is ≤20: You are indifferent to Mancy, so Agatha is not concerned about you.
2. High: I...
- ... I can control my nature! 30 Blood, +1 Authority, +1 Determination, move to 2.1
- ... can't control myself. -1 Authority, move to 2.2
2.1. Medium: I see...
- ... Mancy! +1 Mancy
- ... Cassie! +1 Cassie
- ... Wilson! +1 Wilson
- ... Perry! +1 Perry
- ... Harry! +1 Harry
2.1.1 Medium: I think...
- ... no. +1 Determination
- ... yes. - uninfluenced
2.2 Medium: I'm so ashamed. I...
- ... must apologise. +1 Authority
- ... can't find the right words. -1 Authority
3. Medium: Haley...
- ... please. -1 Authority
- ... I'm not going to beg! +1 Authority, +1 Determination
4. Low: Her touch...
- ... makes me nauseous. - uninfluenced
- ... is not that bad. - uninfluenced
The way of Psychic:
5. Medium: My magic is...
- Strong! 30 Psychic - uninfluenced, move to 5.1
- Weak. - uninfluenced, move to 5.2
5.1 Medium: I think...
- ... it's best not to. -1 Determination
- ... I have to try! +1 Determination
5.2 Medium: I must...
- ... try harder! 15 neon, +1 Determination, +1 Psychic
- ... stop. -1 Determination
6. Medium: I... (It's available if you have Psychic is ≥30)
- ... don't care. +1 Determination
- ... am disgusted to hear it! +1 Emotional
7. Medium: Haley...
- ... please. -1 Authority
- ... I'm not going to beg! +1 Authority, +1 Determination
8. Medium: "..."
- I can guess how. 30 Psychic - Path of the Powerful Medium
- But how? - uninfluenced, move to 8.1
8.1 Medium: "..."
- Use a spell? -1 Authority
- Call his name? +1 Authority
- I don't know. -1 Authority, You should pay more attention
9. Medium: I guess it's...
- ... Sangus. -1 Authority
- ... Magnus. +1 Authority, move to 9.1
- ... Marcus. -1 Authority
- ... Remus. -1 Authority
9.1 Medium: Amazing! And yet...
- ... I'd better ignore it. -1 Emotional
- ... there's at least something maternal about Haley. +1 Emotional
If you have Blood is ≥17: The way of Blood
If you have Blood is ≤17: The way of Psychic
10. Medium: It would be better if I... (It's available if you have the way of Blood)
- ... remained silent. - uninfluenced
- ... answered. +1 Determination
11. Medium: Magnus...
- It is my duty to protect the innocent. 65 Authority, +1 Authority
- I have no malicious intent! - uninfluenced
12. Medium: Hmm...
- ... what if there really is? +1 Emotional
- ... I highly doubt it. - uninfluenced
13. Max: Agatha's portrait drawn by Cassie...
- ... represents the death of Agatha's psychic nature. - uninfluenced
- ... is a warning of deadly danger! 50 neon, +1 Authority
14. Medium: I...
- ... want to hug her! +1 Cassie
- ... need to support her! +1 Cassie
- ... will give her time to calm down. - uninfluenced
15. Medium: I... (It's available if you have chosen in the previous episode "That's a great idea!")
- ... want to hug her. +1 Cassie
- ... don't think that's necessary. -1 Cassie
16. Medium: I... (It's available if you have chosen in 13 "is a warning of deadly danger!")
- ... hug Agatha. 15 neon, +1 Mancy, +1 Emotional
- ... thank Agatha. - uninfluenced
17. The choice of clothes:
- Sporty - uninfluenced
- Bold 25 neon, +1 Authority
- Romantic 25 neon, +1 Authority
18. I wonder if I can style this mess to look decent.
- I don't think so. - uninfluenced
- I'll try. 15 neon, +1 Authority
19. Medium: It's...
- ... so sweet! +1 Cassie
- ... typical Cassie. - uninfluenced
- ... a little annoying. -1 Cassie, -1 Emotional
20. Medium: I...
- ... would love to! A memento. 15 neon, +1 Cassie - cutscene, move to 20.1
- ... don't want to. -1 Cassie
20.1 Medium: It's better to...
- ... take her hand. +1 Cassie, +1 Emotional
- ... cheer her up. +1 Cassie
- ... do nothing. -1 Cassie, -1 Emotional
21. Low: I'll have...
- ... a cocktail. - uninfluenced
- ... a soda. - uninfluenced
- ... a glass of water. - uninfluenced
22. Medium: I...
- ... would love to. +1 Cassie
- ... would rather sit here. - uninfluenced
23. Medium: Her moves...
- ... are so seductive! +1 Cassie, move to 23.2
- ... are so confident. - uninfluenced, move to 23.1
23.1 Medium: "..."
- ... you're wrong. +1 Authority
- ... you're right. -1 Authority, -1 Mancy/Perry/Wilson/Harry (it depends on the love plot)
23.2 Medium: I should...
- ... help Cassie! +1 Cassie
- ... let Cassie deal with him herself. - uninfluenced, move to 25
24. Medium: I think I'm going to make you... (Only the way of Blood)
- Leave. - uninfluenced
- Have fun! +1 Blood
25. Max: Oh...
- Me too. 50 neon/free, if you have chosen "That's a great idea!" in the previous episode, +2 Cassie, cutsсene
- I think she's had too much to drink! - uninfluenced, You and Cassie have remained friends.
26. The choice of clothes:
- Jacket and pants - uninfluenced
- Ski jumpsuit 35 neon, +1 Authority
- Ski jumpsuit 35 neon, +1 Authority
27. Medium: I... (It's available if you have been the intimacy with Cassie)
- ... feel the same. +1 Emotional
- ... am completely calm. +1 Determination
28. Medium: So... (It's available if you have chosen in 13 "represents the death of Agatha's psychic nature.")
- ... I'll pay you a visit later! - uninfluenced
- ... Cassie and I will pay you a visit later! +1 Cassie
Chapter 4
Chapter’s name: Mother's Flesh
Chapter’s description:
1. Medium: I...
- ... must protect Cassie! +1 Emotional
- ... won't interfere. - uninfluenced
If you have Path of the Blood, move to 2-3
If you have Path of Psychic, move to 4-5
If you improved skills in the previous episodes: Your new skills will come in handy in the future.
If you haven't improved skills in the previous episodes: You haven't acquired the skills you need to help you.
Path of the Blood:
2. Medium: I'll...
- ... push her away! - uninfluenced
- ... claw at her face! 20 neon, +1 Blood, +1 Determination, move to 2.1
2.1 High: That is...
- ... enough! - uninfluenced
- ... not enough! +1 Blood
3. Medium: She's breaking free! She's too strong!
- But I'm stronger. 30 Blood, - uninfluenced, move to 3.1, Your strength and skills are impressive!
- I can't hold her back. - uninfluenced, move to 3.2
3.1 Low: I'll…
- ... knock her out. - uninfluenced
- ... kill her! +1 Blood
3.2 Medium: I…
- ... will not stand in his way. +1 Emotional
- ... must stop him! +1 Determination
Path of the Psychic:
4. Medium: Medium: I'll...
- ... push her away! - uninfluenced
- ... claw at her face! 20 neon, +1 Psychic, +1 Determination, move to 4.1
4.1 High: That is...
- ... enough! - uninfluenced
- ... not enough! +1 Psychic
5. Medium: My strength is enough to throw at her...
- ... the biggest boulder. 30 Psychic - uninfluenced, Your strength and skills are impressive!, move to 5.1
- ... a smaller boulder. - uninfluenced, move to 5.2
5.1 Medium: I'll…
- ... knock her out. - uninfluenced
- ... kill her! +1 Psychic
5.2 Medium: I…
- ... will not stand in his way. +1 Emotional
- ... must stop him! +1 Determination
If you have chosen "represents the death of Agatha's psychic nature" in the previous episode, move to 6-8
6. Medium: I have to...
- ... go with Mancy! +1 Mancy
- ... stay with Cassie! +1 Cassie
7. Medim: I...
- ... am used to things like this. -1 Emotional
- ... can't even look at it. +1 Emotional
8.1 Max: (Path of the Blood) I...
- ... can't help. -1 Determination
- ... must do something! 38 Blood, +1 Determination, +1 Authority, +1 Blood
- ... must do something! 50 neon, +1 Determination, +1 Authority, +1 Blood
8.2 Max: (Path of the Psychic) I...
- ... can call the spirits! 50 neon, +1 Determination, +1 Authority, +1 Psychic
- ... can't help her. -1 Determination
- ... must call the spirits! 36 Psychic, +1 Determination, +1 Authority, +1 Psychic
9. Low: Um...
- Harold! - uninfluenced
- Howard! - uninfluenced
- Godric! +1 Authority
10. Medium: Well...
- ... it's not worth it. +1 Authority
- ... I will use my powers! +1 Blood/Psychic
11. Medium: Perry... (it's available if you have Perry is ≥ 14 and you have had the intimacy with Perry and Open love line)
- I missed you! +1 Perry
- Not now! -1 Perry
12. Max: Harry...
- ... will remain human. - uninfluenced, move to 12.1
- ... will become a vampire. - uninfluenced, move to 12.2
12.1 Medium: I...
- ... am so scared for you! +1 Emotional
- ... believe in you. +1 Determination
12.1.1 Medium: Of course it is...
- How come this ritual has been forgotten? +1 Emotional
- Where is this book? +1 Determination
12.2.2 Medium: I'm...
- ... sure you'll understand! +1 Determination
- ... afraid of your reaction. +1 Emotional
13. Medium: I think...
- ... we could have some chat before we get there. 15 neon, +1 Authority, move to 13.1
- ... I'd prefer to stay silent. - uninfluenced
13.1 Medium: Marry...
- ... just ignore them! They are jerks. -1 Emotional - Marry expected more involvement and support from you.
- ... they'll change their mind, I'm sure! +1 Emotional - Marry appreciates your support.
If you have chosen "will remain human":
14. Medium: Marry...
- ... needs help! +1 Emotional
- ... can do it. -1 Emotional
15. Low: Let's go...
- ... to the left. - uninfluenced
- ... to the right. - uninfluenced
16. Max: Well, I'll...
- ... I'll tell the truth. 25 neon, +1 Authority
- ... I'll keep my mouth shut. - uninfluenced
17. Medium: My...
- ... boyfriend... - +2 Harry, (it's available if you have Harry is ≥20)
- ... my friend... - uninfluenced
- ... my partner... - uninfluenced
If you have chosen "will become a vampire":
If you have Blood is ≥17: Path of the Blood
If you have Blood is ≤ 17: Path of the Psychic
18. Max: (Path of the Psychic) "..."
- ... do it yourself. - uninfluenced
- ... teach me! 15 neon, +1 Psychic, +1 Determination, move to 18.1
18.1 Medium: Damn it, I...
- ... can't! - uninfluenced
- ... can do it! 15 neon, +2 Psychic
19. Medium: Marry...
- ... hurry up! - uninfluenced
- ... good job! +1 Emotional
20. Medium: (Path of the Psychic) I will...
- ... sort it out myself! +1 Psychic
- ... leave it to Mary. - uninfluenced
21. Max: I'll…
- ... knock her out. 30 neon, uninfluenced
- ... kill her! - uninfluenced, move to 21.1
21.1 Max: Marry...
- ... you're right. 30 neon, +1 Authority
- ... I'm not backing down! - uninfluenced
Chapter 5
If you have chosen "... will become a vampire." in the previous episode, move to 1-4
If you have chosen "... will remain human." in the previous episode, move to 5-9
Harry is vampire:
1. Medium: He's about to die!
- I can't watch this! -1 Authority
- I'll stay out of it. -1 Harry, -1 Emotional
- I have to be there for him! +1 Harry, +1 Emotional
2. Medium: I...
- ... I'd rather wait. -1 Emotional
- ... I'll go over to him. - uninfluenced
3. Max: I...
- ...tell the whole truth. 35 neon, +1 Harry, +1 Authority, +1 Determination, move to 3.1
- ...won't say everything. -1 Harry, -1 Authority, -1 Determination, move to 3.2
3.1 Medium: I...
- ...risk your life. - uninfluenced
- ...lose you! +1 Harry
3.2 Medium: Because...
-'re not alone! - uninfluenced
- have me! +1 Harry
4.1 High: ".."(it's available if you have chosen option 3 "...tell the whole truth.")
- I better go. -1 Harry
- Are you f*cking serious? - uninfluenced
- Please don't say that! +2 Harry, move to 4.3
4.2 High: The only solution now that I can see is to... (It's available if you have chosen option 3 "...won't say everything.")
- ...leave him alone. -1 Harry
- ...hug him! +1 Harry
- ...kiss him! +2 Harry, move to 4.3
4.3 Max: Harry...
- ... please, don't. - uninfluenced
- ... so do I. 3 flame, +3 Harry
Harry is human:
5. High: Perry...
- ...not now! -1 Perry
- ... everything's fine. - uninfluenced
- ... I met an Elder. +1 Perry
6. Medium: I...
- ... need a second. +1 Emotional
- ... am ready. +1 Determination
7. Medium: I...
- ... want to stroke Harry. 15 neon, +1 Harry
- ... will take my hand away. - uninfluenced
8. Medium: I...
- ... stand still. - uninfluenced
- I have to be there for him! +1 Emotional
9. Medium: I...
- ... stand still. -1 Harry
- ... go to him. +1 Harry, move to 9.1
9.1 Medium: ...
- Pat him on the shoulder. - uninfluenced
- Hug him. +1 Harry
At work:
10. Medium: I should be more...
- ... open. +1 Emotional
- ... discreet. - uninfluenced
11. High: Leroy...
- ... he's a handsome guy! 15 neon, +1 Emotional, +1 Authority
- ... I have to run. -1 Emotional
If you have Authority is ≥70: The path of High Authority
If you have Authority is ≤70: The path of Low Authority
12. Max: I...
- I'm listening to you. +1 Authority, move to 12.1
- I don't want to hear any excuses! -1 Authority, -1 Emotional - You blamed Sally because you jumped to conclusions., The truth of what happened will remain unrevealed to you.
12.1 Max: I think...
- The truth won't make her feel better. - uninfluenced
- I'll tell Sally the truth. 30 neon - Your trust in Sally has paid off! You have an ally!
13. Max: Оh...
- Perry! - move to 29-31
- Harry! - move to 14-22
- Wilson! - move to 23-28
With Harry:
14. Medium: Maybe I should ask out how he's feeling. (It's available if you have had the intimacy with Harry)
- Yeah, it wouldn't hurt. 15 neon, +1 Harry
- There's no point. -1 Harry
15. Medium: ... (It's available if you haven't had the intimacy with Harry)
- Let's just forget about it. 15 neon, +1 Harry
- I'm glad you realized that! - uninfluenced
16. High: Harry...
Let's do it another time. -1 Harry, move to 21
...give me the address! 35 neon, +2 Harry
17. Medium: Harry, to be honest...
...that's all right. +1 Harry
...not good at all. -1 Harry
*. Low: I…
- ...I'm sure there nothing left. - uninfluenced
- ...I don't know. - uninfluenced
- ...I think it's possible. - uninfluenced
18. Medium: Harry...
- ...I hope we'll stop him. +1 Emotional
- ...we will definitely stop him! +1 Determination
19. Medium: I'll tell him...
- ..briefly. -1 Harry
- detail. +1 Harry
20. Medium: Harry...
- Not tonight. -1 Harry, move to 20.1
- That's a good idea. 30/35 neon, +2 Harry, move to 21
20.1 Medium: I...
- ...go back home. - move to 20.1.1
- that. +1 Harry, move to 32
20.1.1 Medium: I think I should...
- ...just go away. -1 Harry
- ...hug Harry. - uninfluenced
- ... kiss Harry. 15 neon, +1 Harry
21. Low: ...
- Hot. - uninfluenced
- Warm. - uninfluenced
- Cool. - uninfluenced
22.1 Max: ... (It's available if you haven't had the intimacy with Harry)
- You promised me a movie. - uninfluenced
- So do I. 3 flame, +2 Harry - You are a couple now., move to 22.2
22.2 Max: ... (It's available if you have had the intimacy with Harry)
- I'm not ready for words like that. - uninfluenced
- I feel the same way. 25 neon - You mean a lot to Harry. You're a couple now.
With Wilson:
23. High: Wilson,...
- ... another time. -2 Wilson, move to 32
- ...I can't resist you! 30 neon, +2 Wilson
24. Low: I think...
- ... manipulating you. - uninfluenced
- ... afraid. - uninfluenced
25. Max: ...
- I want to stop. -1 Wilson
- So what are you waiting for? 3 flame, +2 Wilson, move to 25.1
25.1 Max: I...
- I'm not ready. - uninfluenced
- I feel the same way about him! 25 neon, +5 Wilson
26. Medium: I'll tell him...
- ..briefly. -1 Wilson
- detail. +1 Wilson
27. Medium: I...
- ...I hope we'll stop him. +1 Emotional
- ...we will definitely stop him! +1 Determination
28. Medium: I think I should... (It's available if you have chosen option 25 "I want to stop.")
- ...hug Wilson. - uninfluenced
- ...kiss Wilson. 15 neon, +1 Wilson
With Perry:
29. High: Perry...
- Let's do it another time. -2 Perry, move to 32
- I'm all for it! 35 neon, +2 Perry
30. High: I think...
- ...there's no need to bring up something painful. - uninfluenced
- ... it's time for us to talk about it. 25 neon, +1 Perry, +1 Determination
If you have Perry is ≥20 and If you haven't severed ties with Perry: Because of your close relationship, Perry managed to let go of the past.
If you have severed ties with Perry: Your relationship could be closer. Perry can't let go of the past.
30.1 High: And...
- I can't accept that.-2 Perry
- I am ready to accept that. +2 Perry
31. Max: Perry...
- ... no, this is too much. -2 Perry, move to 31.2
- ... so do I. 3 flame, +2 Perry, move to 31.1
31.1 Max: I...
- I'm not ready for words like that. - uninfluenced
- ...feel the same way! 25 neon, +5 Perry
31.2 Medium: I think I should...
- ...just to say goodbye. -1 Perry
- ...give Perry a hug. - uninfluenced
- ...kiss Perry. 15 neon, +1 Perry
32. Medium: I...
- ...I'm on my way! +1 Wilson, +1 Emotional
- ...I'm sure the pack can handle it.-2 Wilson, -2 Emotional
33. Medium: That's the way they stare at me...
- I'd like to believe their perspective will change. +1 Emotional
- Well, I don't give a shit. -1 Emotional, +1 Blood
34.1 Medium: Now… (it's available if you have the intimacy with Wilson or you have love line with him)
- …we’d better focus. - uninfluenced
- ...I want to kiss him. +2 Wilson
- ...I want to hug him! +1 Wilson
34.2 Medium: I'd better… (It's available if you have Wilson is ≤20 and he isn't friend)
- ...not touch him now. - uninfluenced
- him. +1 Wilson
If Mancy has taught you in previous episodes: Your skills came in handy again! +2 Authority
If Mancy hasn't taught you in previous episodes: Unfortunately, you have no additional skills.
35. Medium: This ...
- great! +1 Blood
- ...looks terrible! +1 Emotional
36. Medium: I...
- ...owe him nothing! -1 Wilson
- ...must help him! 30 neon, +1 Wilson, +1 Authority, +1 Determination
If you have Blood is ≥17 (The path of Blood) and GG hasn't studied under Mancy - move to 36.1
If you have Blood is ≤17 (The path of Psychic) and GG hasn't studied how to make shield (Mancy proposed you to go to garden in Agatha Mancion, S2E1 you have to refuse him and stay in bedroom to study + choice Keep on (training) - move to 36.2
If you have Blood is ≥17 (The path of Blood) and GG has studied under Mancy +2 Blood - Your skills affected the outcome of the battle. - move to 36.3
If you have Blood is ≤17 (The path of Psychic) and you learned how to make shield (in Agatha Mancion, S2E) +2 Psychic - Your skills affected the outcome of the battle. - move to 36.4
36.1 Max: ...
- It's not going to be easy! - uninfluenced
- But I can do it. 35 Blood - uninfluenced, move to 36.3
36.2 Max: ...
- It's not going to be easy! - uninfluenced
- But I can do it. 35 Psychic - uninfluenced, move to 36.4
36.3 High: I...
- ...will kill him! +2 Blood
- ...hypnotize him! +1 Blood
36.4 High: I...
- ...will kill him! +2 Psychic
- ...knock him out. +1 Psychic
If you have Wilson is ≤15 and you haven’t love line with him: You could have saved Wilson if you were a couple.
If you have Wilson is ≥15 and you have love line with him: Because of your close relationship, Wilson survived.