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Writer's pictureattashe444

Under the Veil S1 Ep. 1-5

Updated: May 6


Chapter 1. The Captive

1. Medium: I will answer…

Sarcastic. +1 Courage move to 1.2

Sadly. +1 Humility move to 1.1

1.1 Medium I need to...

Cuddle her. 8 neon* +1 Anthea Anthea is happy to know that she is important to you!

Rebuke her. Your words upset Anthea

1.2 I want to…

Smile at her. 8 neon* Anthea cares about you a lot

Take my hand away.

2. IL: «…»

Answer. — uninfluenced

Stay silent — uninfluenced

3.High: Mom…

Was your marriage happy? +1 Humility

move to4

Will Anthea come with me? +1 Anthea +1Courage

4. It's...

True delight. - move to 4.1

Embarrassing. - move to 4.1

4.1. Max: Anthea, I...

That's not for me. Anthea's upset that you don't feel the same way.

I could love a woman. Your answer made Anthea happy! move to 3.2

4.2. High: I guess…

We can't…+1 Humility

Yeah…+1 Anthea, cutscene, Anthea will not forget your caresses

5. Medium: I recall my father discussing something with my brothers…

The defeat of the Ottomans. +1 Respect

No, can’t remember. -

6. And you…

What about you? — uninfluenced

Say something. — uninfluenced


Pretend to obey. +1 Intrigue

Fight. +1 Courage

Submit. +1 Humility

8. Low: Call for help. — uninfluenced

Give up. — uninfluenced

9. Low: Father?Brothers? — uninfluenced Mother… — uninfluenced 10. Low: I must…

Remember. — uninfluenced

Stand up. — uninfluenced

11. Low:

My friend. — uninfluenced

And who are you? — uninfluenced

12. Medium: Hug Iya. — uninfluenced

Thank Iya. — uninfluenced

13. You can ask all the questions: I want to ask you about…

What happened. — uninfluenced

Faiting. — uninfluenced

Fear. — uninfluenced

14. I'll take this one…

Canvas shirt - uninfluenced

Linen shirt - 10 Neons +1 Respect

15. Medium:

Anger. +1 Courage, Iya disapproves of what you're doing! move to 15.1

Sympathy. +1 Humility, move to 15.2

15.1 I'm going to…

Eat. -1 Respect

Keep rebelling. -1 Respect, The captives are angry at you because it's your fault they are deprived of food!

15.2 I'm…

Not going to eat. -10 Neons, +1 Respect, Iya wants to support you

Too hungry. - Starving to death is not the best way out!

If you didn't eat:

“You are too weak from hunger”

“Well, sometimes it's better to stay in the dark”, move to 17

If you ate:

“You had enough strength”, move to 16

16. Medium: Iya…

You're right. - Well, sometimes it's better to stay in the dark

Let me go! - 15 Neons, You have been through too many shocks!

17. High: I should try...

To stop him. -18 Neons, +1 Courage, +1 Intrigue

But I have no strength. +1 Humility.

Chapter 2. The Final Journey

1. High: I…

Want to kiss her. -18 Neons, +1 Kemal, Kemal will not forget that kiss

Can't do that. — uninfluenced

2. Medium: I should...

Look inside the chest. -12 Neons, +1 Intrigue, You found a dagger, move to 2.1

Go to bed. +1 Humility

2.1 Medium: I can use the dagger!...

Press it to my throat. +1 Intrigue, The stranger appreciated your attempt to defend yourself

Put it in front of me. +1 Courage, The stranger appreciated your attempt to defend yourself

2.2 Medium: This...

Outrages me +1 Kemal, +1 Courage, The stranger liked your boldness

Embarrasses me. +1 Humility

3. You can ask all the questions: I want to ask him about...

The room. — uninfluenced

The shirt. — uninfluenced

Myself. — uninfluenced

4. This choice will have an impact on the character's worldview!

Maximum: I will live for…

Life. +1 Humility, You want to live, no matter what!

Love. +1 Courage, Love is what can warm your cold heart!

Power. +1 Intrigue, You are flattered by the thought of getting power!

Vengeance. Vengeance seems sweet to you, but can its fulfilment make you truly happy?

5. You can ask all the questions: I want to ask you about...

The package. — uninfluenced

The arrival. — uninfluenced

Our location. — uninfluenced

6. Medium: I…

Confront him. +1 Courage

Be nice to him. -25 Neons, +1 Kemal

7. Medium: I’ll...

Take his hand. +1 Humility

Ignore him. +1 Courage

8. Low: …

You're the savage! — uninfluenced

I see. — uninfluenced

9. Medium: …

Keep watching. — uninfluenced

Turn away. — uninfluenced

10. Medium: He is…

Handsome. +1 Kemal

Unremarkable. — uninfluenced

11. Low: …

Continue the conversation. — uninfluenced

Take a rest. — uninfluenced

12. High: I think I should...

Ask him to lay next to me. -1 Flame, +1 Kemal, +1 Intrigue, (Cutscene)

Tease him. -15 Neons, +1 Kemal (Cutscene)

Go to sleep. — uninfluenced

Chapter 3. Parting Ways

1. High: What should I do?

Give in to passion. -25 Neons, +1 Kemal, There is a spark between you!

Hold back. - move to 1.1

1.1 Medium: Well…

Too bad. — uninfluenced

At last. -1 Kemal

2. Medium: I…

Agree. +1 Humility

Refuse. +1 Courage

Will not object. +1 Intrigue, You're clever enough to make wise choices

3. You can ask all questions: Melek, tell me about...

Girls. — uninfluenced

The Şehzade. — uninfluenced

The Sultana. — uninfluenced

4. Medium: My life was...

Free. - You miss the feeling of freedom!

Not easy. +1 Humility

Great. — uninfluenced

Mine! And they took it away. +1 Courage, You can't accept having lost your freedom

5. Medium:

Iris — uninfluenced

Rose -15 Neons, +1 Respect

Forget-me-not -20 Neons, +1 Respect

Bun — uninfluenced

Braid -16 Neons +1 Melek

Curls -22 Neons +1 Melek

6. High: Hatun...

Lead the way. -30 Neons, +1 Intrigue, +1 Kemal (Cutscene)

Leave me alone. - Kemal keeps his head cool

Chapter 4. The Harem

1. Medium: Where should I sit?

At the harp. -15 Neons, +1 Respect

By the teacher. - move to 1.1

1.1 Medium: …

Yes. +1 Ayşe

No. -1 Rspect

2.1 High, The Path of Love: My heart...

Wouldn't even flinch. +1 Intrigue

Would turn to stone. — uninfluenced

Would fight for love. +1 Courage

2.2 High, The Path of Power: I think I would prefer…

Love. +1 Courage

Power. +1 Intrigue

Not to choose. +1 Intrigue

2.3 High, The Path of Revenge, I...

Would. — uninfluenced

Wouldn't. — uninfluenced

2.4 High, The Path of Survival, I think I...

Would. +1 Humility

Wouldn't accept it. +1 Courage

Would fight. +1 Intrigue

You have got some important information from Ayşe

3. Medium: I've never done dirty work before.

I will try. +1 Humility, move to 3.2

And I won't. +1 Courage, -1 Melek, move to 3.1

3.1 Medium: If so, then...

Let Şirin wash them. +1 Intrigue, -1 Melek, Melek is mad at you

Fine. +1 Humility, move to 3.2

3.2 Medium: I’ll…

Make them shine. -1 Melek, Melek appreciated your diligence

Leave everything as it is. +1 Melek, Melek is annoyed at your behaviour

4. Low: I like…

The music. — uninfluenced

The dance. — uninfluenced

5. High: Oh…

Please! -25 Neons (Cutscene)

Not today. — uninfluenced, move to 5.1

5.1 Medium: I need to...

Inspire Ayşe to dance. -10 Neons, move to 5.1.2

Proceed with the meal. — uninfluenced

5.1.2 Medium: Your dance was...

Wonderful! +1 Ayşe

Fine. — uninfluenced

6. Maximum:I'd better…

Repeat what I have learned. -28 Neons, +1 Respect

Leave it till the morning. — uninfluenced

7.Medium: I should...

Get up. +1 Respect

Stay in bed. — uninfluenced

8. High:

White Night -15 Neons +1 Respect, +1 Melek

Crimson Sunset -15 Neons +1 Respect, +1 Melek

Dawn - Free

Careless - Free

Elegant -15 Neons

Romantic -22 Neons

9. Medium: ...

Encourage Ayşe. +1 Ayşe

Keep silent. -1 Respect

Side with Şirin. +1 Intrigue, -2 Ayşe

10. Medium: I...

Will stand up for her. -15 Neons, +1 Courage, +1 Respect, +1 Melek, Your courage was a pleasant surprise for Melek

Won't say anything. +1 Humility

11. Medium: I'm…

Ready. — uninfluenced

Can I think? +1 Intrigue

12. Medium: This can't go on...

I'll come to Sofie's defence. -22 Neons, +1 Courage, +1 Respect

I'll teach Şirin a lesson. -22 Neons, +1 Intrigue, +1 Courage

I'll turn away. +1 Humility, Şirin likes your compliant attitude

Chapter 5. New Life

1. High: I'll get...

The best price. -22 Neons, +1 Respect, Bulut Agha will tell the Sultana about your contribution to the bargain

A small concession. - Bulut Agha will report a new trade deal to the Sultana


Skip. (There will be no opportunity to save Sofie)

Read with caution.

2. Maximum: ...

Scream. - move to 2.2

Call for help. +1 Humility, move to 2.1

Try to save her. -32 Neons, move to 2.1

2.1 Medium: I need to…

Unfasten her dress. +1 Respect, Rescuing the girl will do its part in your story

Press on the belly. — uninfluenced

Listen to her heart. — uninfluenced

2.1.2 Medium: ...

That's why I'm here. -15 Neons, +1 Respect

Then let's go to the hall. — uninfluenced

2.1.3 Medium: Oh...

It's hard to explain. +1 Ayşe

It's all right. — uninfluenced

2.2 Medium: And point at...

Melek. -1 Melek

The guards. — uninfluenced

(+ 120 Akche)

3. Low: I think Şirin...

Keeps something back. — uninfluenced

Is obsessed with power. — uninfluenced

4. High: I guess I will...

Pretended to agree. (5 Intrigue) +1 Intrigue, +1 Respect, You seek to benefit from all situations

Give an evasive answer. — uninfluenced

5. High: You know, I think...

I'll join you. +1 Melek, +1 Intrigue, +1 Respect, This knowledge will come in handy!

I won't bother you. +1 Humility

6. High: And I...

Imagined Anthea. -1 Flame, +3 Anthea, Memories of Anthea still excite you

Imagined Kemal. -1 Flame, +1 Kemal, Through time and distance, your attraction for each other has not gone away

Kept exploring myself. - move to 6.1

6.1 Medium: And I'm going to...

Keep on. +1 Intrigue (Cutscene)

Stop. — uninfluenced

7. Medium: ...

Pity. (10 Humility), +1 Humility, You accept your fate, and it gives you peace!

Anger. — uninfluenced

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